Category Archive: Ecommerce

  1. Launched: (E-commerce)

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    Reaxion Graphics created a complete e-commerce website for an American, Ohio based farm to advertise and sell ag related video hardware (cameras for use on farm equipment and/or locations on the farm for remote viewing). The website also had to promote  “Freedom Farms” and their custom farming operation. (more…)

  2. Brandon Downtown Revitalization Incentive Program (BDRIP)

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    Brandon Downtown Development has launched the new Brandon Downtown Revitalization Incentive Program (BDRIP). This program provides “Downtown Investment Program Grants” up to $125,000 for capital investments, and “Business Improvement Grants” up to $6,000!

    Reaxion Graphics has been a Brandon downtown business for over 15 years, and we are very excited for the prospect these grants deliver to our neighbouring businesses who love being a downtown business!

    The exciting news is, for approved applicants, Business Improvements grants cover 75% of the following marketing services provided by Reaxion Graphics for downtown Brandon businesses and 50% of ANY MANITOBA based business:

    • Marketing/advertising/branding/graphic design
    • Digital/ecommerce support
    • Web services,
    • Adding an online selling platform to an existing website

    Reaxion Graphics had the pleasure of assisting the Brandon Downtown Development Corporation updating (website created by Reaxion Graphics) prepare the print material and online application form so you can take advantage of this program as soon as possible!

    See how the program can work for you! Click below for full details:

    Brandon Downtown Revitalization Incentive Program (BDRIP) - Reaxion Graphics


    If you would like to take care advantage of this program, contact us today! Know what the possibilities of this program mean to you and your marketing plan from the start!

  3. Launched: King Korn Maze

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    King Korn Maze were looking for the ability to sell tickets online while reducing/eliminating transaction fees applied by other third party online ticket sellers. With other ticket selling platforms, there is a fee on the ticket sale transaction PLUS a fee to process the payment (PayPal, Squared, etc.), so it’s a double whammy. Reaxion Graphics was able to create a more independent system for ticket sales as well as a fresh new website to improve the overall visibility of the corn maze for visitors! (more…)

  4. Launched: Western Canada Hockey Academy (w/Ecommerce)

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    When was the last time you saw a great hockey website? Did your last time sport related signup involve emailed PDFs and payment by cheque? How much of a pain was it to hand in your signup and how much work was it for the organizers to put all that paper work together? Wouldn’t it be nice to skip all that?!

    We’re happy to launch a great new website with ecommerce for Brandon’s newest hockey organization, the “WCHA” or “Western Canada Hockey Academy”. Once fully operational, the Academy will feature it’s own hockey arena, guaranteeing ice time, and feature a blended school / hockey experience, splitting time between the ice and classroom for Academy students. However, hockey camps start summer 2021, so the WCHA requested a site to provide information as well as a system to sign up players for camps held at local arenas, take payment, track player information, and close camps once all spaces were taken – all of this was accomplished! 


    We’d like to geek out on every slick feature incorporated into this custom ecommerce website – but the problem is when it works, nobody really notices (or  cares)! That’s the way we like it!

    We are proud to continue to give website owners control of their online business. Most design agencies will create a website but shuffle the ecommerce to other third party providers. Why used “rented space” for your ecommerce when you can have it all yourself! Third party providers remove opportunities for a custom experience and control of what goes on in your ecommerce. Contact us for your ecommerce site today!

