We had the pleasure of designing another great issue of Design Your Home Magazine, Brandon, Manitoba, and it goes out today – July 6, 2016!
If you are in the business of renovations, building, home decor, cabinetry, trades, or anything related to house, cottage, condos, or apartments, we would truly encourage you to advertise in this quarterly magazine (don’t worry, we don’t get a commission… actually, more ads just mean more work for us 🙂 but more the better!). Its not often you can find a niche publication that pre-qualifies potential customers from the moment they pick up the magazine – why would they pick it up if they weren’t interested in all of the above?!
For advertising, call (204) 573-0152, email dyh@designyourhome.ca, or go to designyourhome.ca to read the current issue or past issues on line!
Scott Kasprick is a graphic designer in Brandon, Manitoba and owns and operates Reaxion Graphics while helping his wife raise three lively daughters!