We won’t be shy to go back a bit to introduce you to websites we’ve launched. Whitemudwatershed.ca was launched this past spring 2016 and was a complete redesign of a previous website. This site was created for the White Mud Watershed Conservation District and is very information driven as it is set up to serve the residents of their district in order to publicize their good work and promote services available.
Reaxion Graphics has done a lot of work with Manitoba Conservation Districts and should be a subject for a future blog post! But in short, we’ve done sites for La Salle Redboine Conservation District, Turtle Mountain Conservation District, and not to mention the Manitoba Conservation District Association (MCDA), which represents all 18 Conservation Districts. We are also proud to create the MCDA’s annual magazine.
Scott Kasprick is a graphic designer in Brandon, Manitoba and owns and operates Reaxion Graphics while helping his wife raise three lively daughters!