The first post….

May 27, 2009

Well here it is, the first post to the blog I created nearly a year ago… any designer worth his salt is generally too busy to put their own site first. I would agree – my clients have much better sites than I do!

This is the intro, hopefully the mission statment of my ongoing blog and the personal side of I found out right away a typical website is too limited to give a complete view of an experienced, full service designer / company. The span of experience I’ve gained over the past decade is just too extensive! I’ve already decided an ongoing thread will be “What a designer does” – while some readers may find my ability to help get a new website off the ground uninteresting, a few may jump up and down to know I can  get their logo on balloons for the next conference… it happens! 🙂

Oh yeah, I love my emoticons, you’ll have to get used to it! ;P

Ahh yeah, and my opinions, I think anyone who knows me would probably agree I can spew a few. No, I’m no political debater, but I think I know what I know and will let you know what I know! Ha ha, how about that? My personal view on life in general is knowledge, of all sorts is useful, if not in business, then in conversation… and that can lead to business! I’m just as passionate about the small, more mundane aspects of design and marketing because I believe the large issues are built upon the small ones, and an overiew of them all puts you in control. Bottom line? Knowledge is power.

I’m sure the “Reaxion Reaction” will sprout more than one section, but a few sure bets will be Business and Marketing (probably for small business), Designing for Designers, and basic updates about Reaxion Graphics.

Other than that, I look forward to posting between projects and inspiration!

Scott Kasprick
Reaxion Graphics

About Scott Kasprick

Scott Kasprick is a graphic designer in Brandon, Manitoba and owns and operates Reaxion Graphics while helping his wife raise three lively daughters!

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