Three Web Scams

September 4, 2009 Domain Registry of Canada Domain Name Scam letter

Don’t fall for these scams!

Though I’d rather ramble on about Reaxion Graphics, I thought I’d mention a few web scams you need to know about! The problem with these scams are they aren’t technically illegal (not yet), which make them harder to point out!

1. Time to renew you listing in the #1 online directory.

This was a new one this week received by a client. The deal is, you are added to their “#1 online directory” without you knowing – which is fine, free advertising! – but call you and tell you your listing is expiring soon and will be $200 to renew! Don’t buy it! I imagine only someone not in the know and holding the company credit card would really fall for that one!

This scam came from a phone number 1-866-328-8551. Google that number and you will find any number of scams attached to it!
2. For $X.XX we can improve your search engine rank.

This one is a bit tougher and I’m sure many of you have received something like this. Yes, you can pay someone to improve you search engine optimization (seo) – I can help with that, and for the sake of capitalism, so can a lot of legit businesses, but you have to do your homework. If the email address attached to the unsolicited email is from India or any other funny place for that matter, walk away, and no matter what, do your homework.

As a side note, nobody can 100% guarantee #1 Google ranking. Period.

3. Your domain is up for renewal – we can renew it.

This scam has been around for a long time and you may or may not have received it. Usually someone holding a number of domain names will receive this. It will come as a very nice and polite letter saying your domain is up for renewal, and if you send all your domain info, they will do it for you. This will hand over 100% control to them, and after that, you’re burned!! For more info on this scam, read this blog post.

Bottom line, if you don’t know what someone is telling you what you have to do with your website, domain name, hosting, etc, send your web designer the information you were given. They’ve seen it all!

About Scott Kasprick

Scott Kasprick is a graphic designer in Brandon, Manitoba and owns and operates Reaxion Graphics while helping his wife raise three lively daughters!

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